
NVMTA Sonata Festival 2024

Sunday, May 19, 2024 | Student Awards and Honors

Congratulations to the students who participated in Sonata Festival, held at George Mason University on May 18 2024. Students presented two sonata/sonatina movements in contrasting styles, from memory. 

The following students earned top ratings: Ethan Chen ♪ Helena Horowitz ♪ Caeli McIntosh ♪ Zachary Moeller ♪ Priya Perakam ♪ Lucia Severino

The following students earned a yellow ticket, similar to Honorable Mention: Ryan Chen ♪ Gabriel Chavaria ♪ Noa Herzog ♪ Jacob Liu ♪ Leah Weber

And an extra shout-out to Timmy Chen, who earned the award of Honors and performed in the Honors Recital at George Mason on Sunday May 19.